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MCP Counseling Services and Prices


Individuals: $130

Couples/Families: $150

All sessions are 50 minutes

Matt Edge, LPC, NCC

Mac Taylor, LPC


Individuals: $100

Couples/Families: $120

All sessions are 50 minutes

Jasmine Francis, LPC-A

Kelsey Madenwald, LPC-A

Sam Villarreal, LPC-A, LCDC

Shaian Assadi, LPC-A

Taryn Colgrove, LPC-A

Melinda Porter, LPC-S, ASSECT CST-S

Individuals: $150

Couples/Families: $160

All sessions are 50 minutes

Monday-Thursday (8am-4pm)

Friday (online only)

Melinda has some mid-day sessions for request via the link above

All others can be scheduled by the administrative assistant

Please call (469) 701-2333 or email admin@mcpcounseling.com

*We try to return all request within 48 hours

CST Individual Supervision: $150

The session fee is due at the time of the session or by auto-pay by the end of the business day. Auto payments are made via the credit card used to create the account. All clients will be responsible for the entire fee if cancellation is less than 24 hours.

GFE information: as summarized in an APA article: “Beginning January 1, 2022, psychologists and other mental health care providers will be required by law to give uninsured and self-pay patients a good faith estimate of costs for services that they offer, when scheduling care or when the patient
requests an estimate.”

MCP Counseling is out-of-network. We provide a superbill on the first of the month for you to submit to your insurance. If you plan to use out-of-network benefits through your insurance company, remember to use your legal name at sign-in and tell your, therapist, your name.

Questions that you may wish to ask your insurance company include:

Do my benefits include out-of-network providers, if so does that included mental health benefits?

What portion will I be reimbursed or will go towards my deducible upon seeing an out-of-network mental health provider?

How and where do I submit my bills for out-of-network mental health services?

Our Company Blog

The Conversation Series: Conversations Before the Commitment

Third Conversation This next conversation is about topics that can bring a lot of tension to the relationship. The tension can come from the difference of background, opinions, experience amongst other things. This conversation is about children, money, and religion....

The Conversation Series: Conversations Before the Commitment

Second Conversation The first conversation was dedicated to expectations going into the commitment. This second conversation is equally important and is dedicated to the family of origin. Where and who did your partner come from? What is your family’s mental health...

The Conversation Series: Conversations Before the Commitment

First Conversation So you are thinking about marriage? That’s great! Having a life partner is something to look forward to. If that is what you both want. There are some key questions that need answers and some detailed information that should be talked about. The...

Growing Pains

No pain no gain. Is a term normally used when working out. If you are not sore or hurting in some way, you are not working hard enough. When you are feeling the pain, that could be a sign of your muscles getting attention and strengthening. Some call it growing pain....

5 Easy Sensory Stabilizers

Does your child act like a raw mess of nervous energy and reactivity?  Now that the kids are back in school, their nervous system is becoming overloaded with signals from their surroundings: lights, voices, directions, temperature, and smells.  While some kids are...

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MCP Counseling Carrollton
3740 N. Josey Lane 
Suite 145 and 160 
Carrollton, Texas 75007 


MCP Counseling Fort Worth
2201 Dottie Lynn Parkway
Suite 127
Fort Worth, Texas 76120


Hours: Mon – Sat 9am – 8pm, Sun 12-7


Call today